Wednesday, April 12, 2006


I thought that House and Veronica Mars were going to be on back-to-back last night, which I found delightful. I could make Tuesday my veg night, and no one would be allowed to bother me from 7:00 until I went to bed. Sadly, this was not the case. Both of the shows I wanted to watch were actually showing at the same time, which is extremely displeasing. HEADS WILL ROLL, I tell you.

This is the Jump.

Friday, April 07, 2006

Drago Says:

First in a series of Drago Quotes!

Drago> "Where's the goddamned camaraderie in this motherfucker?"

Me> "Can we get that stitched onto a sampler? Or on one of those posters, you know, with the picture of the crew team rowing?"

This is the Jump.

Hi, Mom!

Two things:

1) I told my mom about my blog. So, hopefully, I'll think twice before dropping the f-bomb* or something.

2) I haven't posted in a while, I know, because what have I to post about? I think about things that irritate me, like, when people don't recognize the sound of rolling wheels behind them on the street and veer off into stores directly in my path, making me abort my skating into the nearest wall, planter, or oncoming traffic. That wasn't well thought out. I'll fix that later. It's 7:15, and I'm in the office. I'm an hour early. I'm going to nap under my desk, Costanza-style.

*As we all know, the fydrogen bomb has the destructive force of a thousand inches of rain onto your car upholstery because you forgot to close the window all the way. And the humorous force of a thousand puppies in a satchel shaped like Kofi Annan.

This is the Jump.