Thursday, September 15, 2005


I have spiders in my car. Well, at least a spider. I know this because I discovered the beginnings of a web yesterday morning. And I am really ooked out. I don't want the Viscount to become home to spiders. And how the hell'd they end up in my car? What am I supposed to do? Ergh. I hope they take up residence in the engine or something. What if there's a seed pod in my air conditioner? When I turn on the fan one day, will they come shooting out of the vents and trap me in a web, and force me to drive to their spidery compound based out of an abandoned warehouse? Or what?


At 15 September, 2005 14:28, Blogger Josh said...

You shouldn't say that! I'll never ride in your car again. Except that my car is definitely a home to spiders. I haven't driven it in like 10 days and there are two massive webs with lurking spiders, just waiting for me to get in. They're gonna meet the business end of my ice scraper (the scrapy end) tomorrow.

At 22 September, 2005 12:14, Blogger Unknown said...

OMG! I, too, have spiders in my car! They just keep reappearing. I kill one, then three days later another one shows up. It's driving me nuts.


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