Sunday, April 08, 2007

Clearly, Our Dorkitude is Not Our Fault

This Easter weekend, I'm visiting The Sister in Alabama with The Parents. Of course, I brought my laptop, because, well, why not? This lead to the following conversation (slightly edited for clarity only) over Instant Messenger, with Megan, at a distance of approximately three feet:

Re: Bringing your laptop on vacay to your family's place...

Megan: yeah, apprently that's not a normal thing. Who knew?
Megan: Why is our family so weird?
Megan: Freakshow.
Me: Bad genes.

We laugh out loud, and can't explain why, because it's mean. We're awful people. Bad genes.

Update: Megan, upon reading this post: "Three feet? Not. Even. More like A foot."

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