Extra Credit! (For reals, this time)
Okay, remember when I said 9 AM yesterday? I was just kidding. How's 9 AM today sound?
Now, the idea, after 24 hours of ruminating, doesn't seem quite as good, but here we go, anyway.
If I were a history teacher, I would give a point or two of extra credit for kids who could come up with amusing fantasy league names based on the unit we were studing. Like the Maginot Linemen, if we were studying WWII. If it also related to the sport (Linemen, for football, as opposed to the Lewis and Clark Expeditions), then you get a second point. Then I could be the teacher that has fantasy football leagues.
Okay, seeing it in "print," I don't like it as much. Whatever.
You should create a fantasy history league, and make the students draft historical figures for their teams.
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