Friday, January 13, 2006

My Low Tolerance for Perceived Incompetence

I noticed something recently. Perhaps you've noticed something similar. When somebody does something mind-numbingly dumb and/or irrirating, everything they say or do will seem like rampant idiocy. It can even be a legitimate query, one that, coming from someone who can find their ass with two hands, a map, a compass and the ghost of Tenzig Norgay, would be thought of as even a good question. Perhaps it's something that nobody was told about. Perhaps it's something that they wouldn't legitimately know without asking.

But when coming from Dimwit von Oaf, it's drivel. One finds themself responding to questions like "Should I shave tomorrow for the show?" or, "Do you suppose I should change the way I exit, because I seem to be in your way?" or "What's Planck's Constant?" with maximum snarkitude.

"What?" Heavy sigh. "I guess you should probably ask the director about that." Eye roll.

"Yeah. Probably. Or I could go the other way." Lengthy, uncomfortable pause. "I suppose. I guess we could discuss it for everybody's convenience."

"h." Blink. "6.626068 × 10^-34 Joule seconds." Dirty look. "JESUS."


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