Wednesday, January 17, 2007

And... another hiatus

I'm really good at posting, aren't I? There will be more hilarity to come, just you wait. I have thoughts on many things...

Like, for example, I'm writing this in Safari now, and friggin' Blogger doesn't really like Safari, do you blogger? No, you don't. I can't format a ding-danged thing in Safari. It's all standard text and boring boringness.

Also, I'm pretty sure that at the end of last night's 24, Karen Hayes and Wayne Palmer were looking at different marks when the thing did the thing that those things do at the end of the episode, and they were watching it on the TV in the Oval Office. It looked like a pan from one person to the other, and unless that was a big-ass screen, their eyes were in way different directions. I think.

Although it could have been dumbass Wayne looking off into the distance.

I should go back and look at it on TiVo again, but I'm lazy.

This is my blog. Blog blog blog. I will write stuff. It's stream of consciousness. I'm bored at work all the time. Maybe more blogging will occur there. That's it. I wasted time. Mine and yours. This isn't going to win me the pulitzer. If that's ever a danger, I'll delete this post. How's that sound, Pulitzer Committee?

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